Allie Phillips, Candidate for Tennessee HD-75, Testifies Before U.S. Senate on Abortion Rights

WASHINGTON, DC – Allie Phillips, a Clarksville-area working mother and candidate for the Tennessee House of Representatives’ 75th district, testified today in Washington, DC before the United States Senate Committee on the Budget. 

In a hearing titled “No Rights to Speak of: The Economic Harms of Restricting Reproductive Freedom”, Allie shared her personal experience of being forced to seek reproductive care out-of-state during a life-threatening situation due to Tennessee’s extremely restrictive statewide abortion ban. 

Opening Statement

“I am one of thousands, if not millions, of people in this country that need or needed abortion access,” said Allie. “[We need to] remember that it’s not black and white and one size does not fit all. We can’t be putting politics into healthcare decisions, and […] abortion access is essential healthcare, no matter how you want to look at it. Exceptions don’t work – I’m a living testimony to that. Tennessee had a very vague exception to protect the life of the mother. My life was at risk, and I did not qualify. When someone needs healthcare, they should be able to receive that healthcare.”

Senators Chuck Grassley, Sheldon Whitehouse, Patty Murray, John Kennedy, Debbie Stabenow, Mike Lee, Jeff Merkley, Alex Padilla, Tim Kaine, and Chris Van Hollen were in attendance and spoke with Allie during the hearing. 

Closing Statement

Details on the hearing, including full video and Allie’s testimony, are available here:

A Tennessee native raised in Ashland City, Allie Phillips is a graduate of MTSU and a full-time working mother. In November 2022, during a planned pregnancy, Allie and her husband Bryan learned at 19 weeks that her pregnancy was not compatible with life and could result in sepsis, blood clots, or worse. Due to Tennessee’s restrictive ban on reproductive care, Allie was forced to travel alone to New York City for an emergency abortion.

Following this experience, Allie was spurred to run for the Tennessee House of Representatives to change those laws and ensure reproductive safety and freedom for all women in Tennessee. As State Representative for Tennessee’s 75th House District, she will fully fund our public education system, keep guns away from schools, and deliver real solutions for Montgomery County families. 

For interview inquiries and more details, contact Megan Lange, campaign manager, at (865) 643-4847. More information on Allie’s campaign is available at

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