Learn More About Your Local PartyAs Democrats, the way we win is by organizing.

About the Montgomery County Democratic Party
The Montgomery County Tennessee Democratic Party (MCDP) is headquartered in Clarksville, TN with offices located at 2197 Madison Street, Suite 104. The party is governed by a Chair, three Vice Chairs and an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is represented by one voting member from each of the 21 districts that comprises Montgomery County. The party’s ruling document is set of By-laws approved and standardized by the Tennessee Democratic Party.
Our Mission: MCDP’s mission is committed to building a strong party that will fight for promote, and protect equality, equity, justice and opportunities for all county residents.
Our Mission: MCDP’s mission is committed to building a strong party that will fight for promote, and protect equality, equity, justice and opportunities for all county residents.
About Our Values
We will actively engage and recruit members from the many diverse groups that make up our county’s population.
MCDP’s vision is to eliminate marginalized communities by recruiting, supporting, and electing to all levels of government candidates who believe in democratic principles and values.
We intend to contest every race in every election.
Equality and Equity
We will ensure all county residents are treated in an equal and equitable fashion without regard to ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other identifying factor.
Good Citizenry
We care about our county: fiscally, morally, and physically.
We respectfully hear one another’s opinion even when we disagree.
Public Education
We will advocate for fully funded, safe public education through the election of a school board that will provide our children with both rigorous academics and skills training.
We will ensure free and fair elections through voter registration and polling-place observation.