Let’s dive into what shopping as an act of resistance looks like in Montgomery County, Tennessee, where grocery shopping options are somewhat limited.

So, you want to give the big middle finger to the 21st-century American oligarchs? Welcome to the resistance, my friend! There are small things we can do each day to fight back. We already told you how to support independent journalism as a way of decentering the unhelpful mainstream media, and we’re back with some practical tips on how to vote with your pocket by boycotting Trump-supporting grocery corporations.

  1. Quit Your Amazon Habit!

Quitting Amazon will require more willpower than just resisting the urge to buy an electric car because Amazon is so damn convenient! However, its founder and CEO Jeff Bezos is the personification of an evil “broligarch” just like Elon Musk (who we also recommend boycotting). Together, they could transform Earth into a beautiful eutopia where no one has to fight to survive. Instead, they’re hoarding wealth like it’s going out of style. Plus, for some reason, they are both strangely obsessed with Mars. Weird!

At the very least, try weaning off ordering basic items from Amazon on a weekly (daily?) basis. Delete the app from your phone or use it as a shopping list to remind you to buy those necessities somewhere else (see below).

Shop at Not Oligarchy-owned Grocery Stores

Bridges to Burn on Substack has put together a list of stores we should try to visit more and those we should avoid. They based the list on the following criteria:

  • Donations to the Trump PAC 
  • Lobbying Trump
  • How the employees donated
  • Unionization
  • Support for DEI

Some results are surprising (Target, you are dead to us, but also wtf Aldi, we thought you were one of the good ones!). However, some of them are what you thought they would be (cough, Walmart). Let’s dive into what shopping as an act of resistance looks like in Montgomery County, Tennessee, where grocery shopping options are somewhat limited.

Ahold Delhaize USA

Great news! Although you’ve likely never heard of their parent company Ahold Delhaize USA, Food Lion has two locations in Clarksville (Madison Street and Hwy 48). They top the list for not donating to Trump, having unions in their stores, and supporting DEI.

Costco and those others

Sadly, we don’t have a Costco in Clarksville (there are rumors, but nothing substantiated), and the closest locations are in Nashville and Hendersonville. As for the others on the good list, unfortunately, none of them have locations in Tennessee, but we have other suggestions!

Visit Farmer’s Markets

Did you know we have options for shopping directly from local farmers? Visiting a Farmer’s Market might require slightly more planning than heading to your local supercenter, but it’s a more joyful experience, and you’ll be supporting local families instead of wealthy oligarchs.

Clarksville Downtown Market

Clarksville Downtown Market operates weekly on Saturdays from May 10 through October 4. It’s a fantastic excuse to get outside, meet neighbors, and shop small and local directly from farmers and growers. The market is hosted at Public Square in downtown Clarksville. You can find free parking on the streets nearby or in the new parking garage on Commerce St.

Sango Night Market

The Sango Night Market is open weekly on Monday evenings from Memorial Day through Veteran’s Day at Real Life Church in Sango. It offers fresh local produce and artisanal products.

Find a Local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Location

Community Supported Agriculture provides a way for consumers to connect with local farmers. Typically, this involves a pre-order of specific boxes of farm goods. Find a CSA here in Clarksville to order your fresh veggies, meat, fruits, and other produce straight from small local farms. This is a well-kept secret that more people need to know about.

Aldi – Best of the Worst?

Honestly, we were sad to see Aldi on the bad list. Aldi now has two locations in Clarksville and is one of the “least bad” on the worst list 🥴 However, if you’re on the west side of town, it’s the only not-terrible place to go grocery shopping, and they have affordable organic options. Even though they’re on the naughty list, they didn’t donate to or lobby Trump, and they still support DEI in their organization so we’re still going to shop there until we get a better option.

Did we miss any local stores that are not supporting oligarchs? Let us know!

Note: this list is just our suggestions. If you have to shop at the “bad places” because they are the only option due to distance or price, don’t beat yourself up. Resist where you can! Little drops can create a mighty ocean!

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