
Archives Events


Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters 2197 Madison St., Suite 104, Clarksville, TN, United States

This will be a Thanksgiving event for the LGBTQ+ Caucus! We will serve a potluck dinner and a movie!

Women’s Caucus: Monthly Stitch & B*tch

Bring your crafts, drink some wine, and gab about politics with other Democrat women. We will meet at Trazo Meadery this month. Partners and friends are welcome!

Holi-GAY! Party

Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters 2197 Madison St., Suite 104, Clarksville, TN, United States

This event will be a year-end celebration for the LGBTQ Caucus. Participants are encouraged to join and enjoy holiday treats & candies, hot cocoa as well as a movie with us. We will also have a White Donkey party (similar to white elephant--but we are Democrats).

LGBT Caucus Monthly Meeting

Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters 2197 Madison St., Suite 104, Clarksville, TN, United States

Come join the LGBT Caucus and help us plan events, volunteer opportunities, and progressive initiatives that support the LGBT community of Montgomery County. If you identify as LGBT or an ally, we welcome you! NOTE: Our meetings are hybrid.

Canceled Fundraising Committee Friday Meeting

Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters 2197 Madison St., Suite 104, Clarksville, TN, United States

Come and join the Fundraising Committee to help us plan events that will bring in the donations we need to get Democrats elected.

Event Series PA&GO

PAGO Monthly Meeting

Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters 2197 Madison St., Suite 104, Clarksville, TN, United States

Join us for the PAGO (Political Affairs and Grassroots) monthly meetings! 📅 What we do: Don't miss out on our efforts to build a stronger Democratic party! Be part of the change - attend our monthly meetings and get involved. Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vpx-phbr-wru

People’s March Sign-making Party

Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters 2197 Madison St., Suite 104, Clarksville, TN, United States

Get ready to march with Clarksville's justice leaders by making your own sign! Bring poster board and markers (we'll have some paint supplies too) and your best protest slogan ideas.

Queen City People’s March

Tennie Statue 1 Public Sq, Clarksville, Tennessee

Clarksville Indivisible, a grassroots movement to rebuild our democracy, and the Montgomery County Democratic Women's Caucus are organizing a march to connect and empower our community to defeat the Trump agenda. We join with Women’s March on Saturday, January 18th from 1-3pm to support gender equality, civil rights, and other issues expected to face challenges […]

Warming Shelter Dinner

319 Madison St 319 Madison St, Clarksville, Tennessee, United States

Volunteers are cooking dinner and serving at the Emergency Warming Shelter. Montgomery County has just one warming shelter for unhoused folks and they are asking for warm meals and donations of winter coats. We will be making: cheeseburgers, baked beans, and potato chips. We would like to serve sweet tea and lemonade along with cookies […]

Event Series Communications

Comms Monthly Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

It's that time of the month when we gather to discuss and plan the essential work of our Communications Committee. Your dedication and hard work in managing our party's internal and external communications, along with maintaining our digital presence, are crucial to our success. If you're passionate about making a difference and want to help […]

Montgomery County Democratic Party
Contact Information
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