Resolution Condemning Statements of Clarksville City Councilman Travis Holleman

Clarksville, Tennessee –  In response to a video released by Clarksville City Councilman Travis Holleman of Ward 7-- in which he quoted from the Communist Manifesto, while denigrating the LGBTQ+ community-- the Montgomery County Democratic Party (MCTNDP) adopted a resolution standing against the divisive and unfounded ideas expressed by the Councilman.

MAR. 9, 2024

Clarksville, Tennessee –  In response to a video released by Clarksville City Councilman Travis Holleman of Ward 7– in which he quoted from the Communist Manifesto, while denigrating the LGBTQ+ community– the Montgomery County Democratic Party (MCTNDP) adopted a resolution standing against the divisive and unfounded ideas expressed by the Councilman.

Councilman Holleman released the video March 4 to declare his support for the universal school voucher program currently in legislation, because he said public schools have an “LGBTQ” agenda. He continued with further conspiracy theories by stating that public schools promote “Marxist” and “communist” ideologies.

The MCTNDP executive committee adopted resolution 4, titled the “Resolution in Solidarity with LGBTQ+ Community and Condemning Discriminatory Rhetoric,” on March 5. MCTNDP Chair Chas Uffelman personally delivered the resolution to the City Council, before addressing the body on Thursday, March 7.

The MCTNDP vehemently opposes discriminatory and baseless assertions that further encourage prejudice and the spreading of falsehoods, especially by those in positions of leadership. The MCTNDP supports our public school system and believes in equality and freedom from prejudice for all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

“The Montgomery County Democratic Party stands in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and is committed to challenging and combating all forms of bigotry and discrimination.”

Montgomery County Democratic Party
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