LGBTQ+ Activists

LGBTQ+ Activists Call for Resignation of “Slate of Hate” Councilmember Travis Holleman as he doubles down on harmful rhetoric

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Clarksville, TN – On Thursday, July 25, 2024, members and activists from the LGBTQ+ Community filled Clarksville’s City Council Chamber, demanding the resignation of Councilmember Travis Holleman…

Extremist Councilperson Travis Holleman

Resolution Condemning Statements of Clarksville City Councilman Travis Holleman

Clarksville, Tennessee –  In response to a video released by Clarksville City Councilman Travis Holleman of Ward 7– in which he quoted from the Communist Manifesto, while denigrating the LGBTQ+ community– the Montgomery County Democratic Party (MCTNDP) adopted a resolution standing against the divisive and unfounded ideas expressed by the Councilman.