Blue South Banquet Fundraiser Event Open to All


May 15, 2023

Clarksville, TN —The Montgomery County Democratic Party will host the Blue South Banquet on Thursday, June 15th from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center. All ticket donations will support local efforts to elect Democrats. Dress is business casual to semi formal.

The Banquet, which includes a meal and musical entertainment, will feature special guest US Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, as well as “Tennessee Three” member, Representative Gloria Johnson (Knoxville), and Clarksville’s own, Representative Ronnie Glynn.

Tickets for the event are $100. Recurring donors who have signed up prior to June 1 as

Blue South Boosters (donating $24 a month) get a single ticket for all major fundraising events, while Barack Obama level donors ($44 a month) receive two. RSVP by June 1st. Groups are encouraged to purchase tables: A half table (for 5) is $500; a whole table (for 10) is $1000.

Learn more or purchase tickets at


Serving as a member of the U.S. Senate since 2006, Senator Casey has made a name for himself for his citizen-focused initiatives, including his nationally recognized Five Freedoms for Children plan, which designates five basic freedoms guaranteed for American children—to be healthy, to be economically secure, to learn, to be free from hunger, and to be safe from harm—as well as the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act. Casey supports common sense gun legislation and advocates for civil rights, with equity for women, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, and all members of marginalized communities. 

Representative Johnson (Knoxville) recently made national headlines for her participation in the protests at the TN state capitol alongside Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson for common sense gun laws, following the shooting at Nashville’s Covenant School. She was the only member of the Tennessee Three to avoid expulsion. She has campaigned for fully funded public education, affordable health care, and a fair livable wage for Tennesseans. She fought for Medicaid expansion in 2015 under former Gov. Haslam. Rep. Johnson spent 27-years as a public-school teacher and is endorsed by TEA, TSEA, Planned Parenthood, Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women, National Association of Social Workers, and more.

Points of Contact:

Karen Sorenson, Vice Chair for Fundraising

Tanisha Taylor, Press Secretary

Montgomery County Democratic Party
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