Our office is open for extended hours this weekend to receive non-perishables, as well as hats, gloves, and warm clothing donations.
Drop off your donations today between 1-5pm, as well as on Saturday from 10:30am-3pm at our MCDP office.
Address: 2197 Madison St Ste 104, Clarksville, TN 37043
Other ways to contribute:

World Central Kitchen Student Meal Delivery
You can sign up to deliver meals to students and families from Northeast High School in the afternoons.

Rep. Ronnie Glynn’s TOY DRIVE
Ronnie is teaming up with the Tennessee Democratic Party for a toy drive that will conclude on Wednesday afternoon. You can drop off toys this weekend or 12-5 Mon-Wed of next week either at our office or at the TNDP office in Nashville.
Update from Ronnie Glynn:

Tornado Resources
The Biden administration has approved an Expedited Major Disaster Declaration opening up more resources for folks. This includes FEMA’s Individual Assistance (IA) Program, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, and Direct Federal Assistance.
Individuals can apply now for direct assistance from the IA program online anytime or by phone at 1-800-621-3362 between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. CT. Multilingual operators are available. https://www.disasterassistance.gov/
- Rental assistance
- Home repair and personal property replacement
- Uninsured or underinsured disaster loss support
- For FAQs go here https://www.fema.gov/assistance/individual
Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Montgomery County has been approved for Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
If your employment or self-employment has been impacted and you’re not currently receiving UI you may be eligible for up to 6mos of benefits.
Apply here http://Jobs4TN.gov or call 1-877-813-0950
Several businesses have been destroyed and many self-employed folks have been forced to shut down. Please look into this program.
You can also visit Local American Job Centers for more resources.
Urban Ministries is accepting toys to replace any gifts that may have been damaged. My team will be taking in toys at the local Democratic Party office on Wednesday the 20th from 12-6pm. 2197 Madison St, Suite 104, Clarksville, TN 37040
The TNDP will be accepting toy donations until then as well.
You can email us if you would like to arrange to another drop off time info@ronnieglynnforstaterep.com
I’m proud of everyone pitching in to help. Clarksville has really stepped up.
TN State Representative Ronnie Glynn